Bump & Breath

6 week online Holistic Birth Prep Course

Your 6weeks will be filled with a nurturing, supportive and calm energy for all you Mums-to-be.

Wk 1 The Mind. The focus of this session is how we can manage our mindset in pregnancy & labour. Understanding how our minds work can help us harness the control and stack the odds in your favour.

Wk 3 The Body. We look at the physiological aspect of labour and demystify what is actually going on! The cocktail of hormones and all the things we need to birth calmly, with control & ease.

Wk 5 The Soul. We nurture and build confidence in you by gaining a greater insight into how pregnancy transforms us. This session offers validation and reassurance for those early days of motherhood where things can feel very wobbly.

On weeks 2, 4 & 6 , you'll practice relaxation, affirmations, and visualisations, creating a special space just for you and your baby. These sessions nurture your well-being, helping you feel confident and fulfilled as you work on becoming your best self—mentally, emotionally, and physically

This group is set to a maximum of 6 people so spaces are limited. This is intentional as I feel that smaller groups create stronger bonds.

Commencing March 20th @8pm

Investment: €250

What can I expect?

-Digital workbook

-Private WhatsApp group

-Relaxation audios

-Session Recordings

-Exclusive resources available only to those on the course

Physical Resource Pack*

-Calm AF essential oil roller

-Hard copy of Bump & Breath workbook

-Goodies to help maintain calm during pregnancy

*€10 extra postage cost